Thursday, January 30, 2014

A&P Analysis

A&P Analysis I feel that genius of the major themes in A&P is that of choices and consequences. In the story Sammy acted in the heat of the moment, not really vista things through. He s as well asd up for the way the girls were being treated, and while doing that he quite a an his job. Sammy is still very young and has a mess to learn, but he stuck to his guns. He may have quite his job without a real good reason, but he showed he was a man. When I say that, I plastered he didnt try to weasel his way out of what he said. So to add to that a little more, I would too say that he became a man in the victuals in of the story because of how he acted. When the girls first walked in to the store, he was unavailing to concentrate and couldnt take his eyes glum of them. As the girls got into trouble he matured and stuck up for what was right. In doing that, he made a drastic decision, but stuck to it uniform a man should. There are many varied symbols obvious in this story. Most of which I noticed were ab...If you trust to shit a full essay, order it on our website:

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